Career-connected learning

Improves the Lives of Sonoma County Students

The results are in: 60,000 Sonoma County students, parents and educators are overwhelming in favor of CTE, internships and hands-on learning. And survey results show that students who participate in career-focused CTE programs feel more engaged and better prepared for their futures.

Shape the future of Sonoma County.
Step up for students today.

Our students have been through so much in the last few years, including natural disasters, power shut-downs and the COVID-19 pandemic. This has severely impacted their outlook on life after graduation. But there is good news: data shows that students participating in career-connected learning feel better about their futures and even less anxious at school.

More than anything, students need to see the connection between their schoolwork and jobs that are in high demand and pay more than a living wage.

Your gift today can give students opportunities to solve real-world problems, get a glimpse of local careers and identify career-readiness pathways that align with their skills, interests and passions.

School has kicked off, so step up for students today: your gift will help provide career pathways and tools to build a successful future.