CTE Foundation Board & Staff
Board of Directors*
Chief Executive Officer
Kathy Goodacre
Bob McGee
Straus Family Creamery
Vice Chair
Jeremy Olsan
Perry, Johnson, Anderson, Miller and Moskowitz LLP
Hamish Gray
Keysight Technologies, Inc.
Lee Alderman
Redwood Credit Union
Immediate Past Chair
Karen Fies
Sonoma County Human Services
Bill Angeloni
Tenzing Consulting
Tony Crabb
Puma Springs Vineyards
Cindy Gillespie
Amy’s Kitchen
Stephen Jackson
Sonoma County Office of Education
Jessica Kilcullen
Harvest Summit/Kilcullen Family Vineyard
Brian Ling
Sonoma County Alliance
Jerry Miller
Santa Rosa Junior College
Peter Rumble
Santa Rosa Metro Chamber
Lynn Stauffer
Sonoma State University
Lisa Wittke Schaffner
The John Jordan Foundation
*This list represents the Board of Directors, positions and places of employment as of 12/18/2019. For a list of the current board, click here.
Chief Executive Officer
Kathy Goodacre
Vice President Operations and Programs
Amber Figueroa
Director of Resource Development
Kristin Loheyde
Director of Industry Engagement
Brandon Jewell
Director of Marketing & Communications
Leslie Simmons
Administrative Manager
Debbie Schoemaker
We continue to be deeply grateful to our supporters and donors for their generosity and commitment to student success and economic development. Because of you, we can continue providing access to quality career-connected learning experiences for all Sonoma County students. Your contributions change the lives of students, their families and our community.
Photos from our 2019 fall fundraiser