Career-Connected Opportunities
Exploring Career Technical Education may be the answer to future success. Discover a career you’re passionate about by getting hands-on, real-world experience through programs both inside and outside the classroom!
By exploring careers early, you can be better prepared for your future in Sonoma County.
If you’re a current student, you may be able to participate in one – or more – of the CTE classes and programs listed below.

Classes and Programs
Listed in alphabetical order.
CAL FIRE Cinder Camp
Provide young women a safe, dynamic, interactive and challenging environment to gain strength, knowledge, and confidence in their ability to excel in the profession of firefighting and beyond.
Tinker Academy
STEM-focused summer camp for middle school students in Sonoma County.
NextGen Trades Academy
Providing diverse vocational construction training and work/life skills to disadvantaged youth ages 16-24 within Sonoma County.
North Bay Construction Corps (NBCC)
Five-month career exploration and training program that introduces high school seniors to careers in construction and the trades and an opportunity to earn college credit.
Women Gaining an Edge in Ag
Leadership development program for young women aimed at strengthening our agricultural workforce.